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A member registered Oct 09, 2021

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contact me and I will provide you the review when the magazine has been printed (contatti at zzapmagazine dot it or davide at davidecorrado dot eu). As I said, good work, being galaga one of my favorites, I am very picky with it. if you could, add fire while being captured :-)

(1 edit)

I am reviewing this game right now for Zzap!, italian version ( I know that the hardware (ie: commodore 64) has its own limitations. But Galencia is doing a better job graphics-wise.

Firing when captured is a plus: you can shoot enemies while being captured, and you could even free yourself (killing the capturer) if you are playing your last life. :-)

I appreciate what you are doing, don't get me wrong. I love that game too.

and please, forgive me when I type using my phone: I make many mistakes using a virtual keyboard. I guess you see my point, anyway.

It's a good game, but it could improve and it could become a great one!

(2 edits)

well, I have been waiting for this since forever, but you are not completely there yet... compared  to the nes version graphics are gross. the music is not completely like the arcade one. and you cannot fire while being captured. A potential great game, but graphics and sound should improve.